Showing 19 Result(s)

How Does Self-Healing Really Work?

It Connects and Aligns at Higher Levels Your Body, Mind and Spirit It effectively targets what I call the “critical mass” of dis-ease and effects shifting it into an “equal and greater” critical mass of recovery, higher stabilization, and wellness.  New “critical elements” are created through this transformational shift that produce these results, involving, at …

How to Get Past Your Fears and Forgive . . . Yourself (and from there, others)

Hate always stems from a root of fear; and forgiveness always comes from a root of loving. Love occurs when we heal and develop to a place of transcendence beyond the implanted fear of incompletely processed trauma – and forgiveness truly reflects coming to wherever your real place of completion and final understanding is in this central healing process.

What Is The Real Self-Healing And Empowerment Opportunity of Thanksgiving?

I invite you to give love away equally (everything only exists in a real state of balance) to your own power to understand and receive it, as your greatest gift to your own betterment and the only real translation of what you truly can “give away” – because you own love now through your greater and deeper understanding of what it truly is – to a desperately needy, unloved, broken world as your offering of healing and power.

In great blessings and through all loving connections – enjoy Thanks-giving . . .