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Breathe in Light – Transcendent Choice, Care and Healing in the Time of Corona

These are beyond troubling times.  In these – the current word to describe coronavirus’ world-wide outbreak is pandemic – and peaking times, we acutely search for meaning as keys to responding and resolving.

To uncover meaning and transcendent ways to cope, heal, protect, and grow through and beyond is all of what I want to offer – and as as a working definition of empowerment and transformation. 

How to Move . . . Past Managing, Fixing, Power Struggles – and Create Lasting Good

We love nothing better than feeling proud of what we’ve created in larger becoming, and all the wonderful and life-changing results that produces!  Like the representational heroic characters in The Wizard of Oz, the required elements to succeed and overcome are the innocence and revealed woundedness of a child, the limits of courage that can only come from accessing the furthest corners of core fears, the facing of a broken heart and the empty loss it brings, and the humble, emerging wisdom that explodes when one admits one’s basic foolishness. 

How to Move . . . Past Managing, Fixing, Power Struggles – and Create Lasting Good

We love nothing better than feeling proud of what we’ve created in larger becoming, and all the wonderful and life-changing results that produces!  Like the representational heroic characters in The Wizard of Oz, the required elements to succeed and overcome are the innocence and revealed woundedness of a child, the limits of courage that can only come from accessing the furthest corners of core fears, the facing of a broken heart and the empty loss it brings, and the humble, emerging wisdom that explodes when one admits one’s basic foolishness. 

How to Access the Immense Power of Blessing – Everything!

Giving thanks is the directive – and acknowledging the abundance and gift of our blessings to survive, sustain and share. In our most troubling times I believe this holiday in particular spiritually offers us a great deal toward self-healing, development, empowerment, and most of all universal caring without condition and without fear, to truly create and support all of our greater good…In that spirit I want to share what I brought forth as the workshop focus in my women’s self-healing and empowerment monthly group meeting last week on exploring the larger meaning and opportunity of blessings for success and higher power for all. Here are the steps…

To Transform You Must Be Your Own Hero

We are all heroes, say all great ancient spiritual traditions, or we wouldn’t be here adventuring and evolving on the earth plane. Whether we talk about designated recovery from addictions, trauma, self-healing, empowerment, therapeutic intervention, they all, to me and actually Carl Jung as part of his definition of archetypes, challenge us to become who we truly are – heroes.