Breakaway: beyond flight, fight, and freeze virtual workshop
Details on my upcoming virtual workshop on Feb 25. The workshop will address oppression and hate and how to move beyond our base reaction (flight, fight, and freeze).
Centering Tools: Holistic Counseling & Empowerment Tools
Holistic counseling practice since 1987
Details on my upcoming virtual workshop on Feb 25. The workshop will address oppression and hate and how to move beyond our base reaction (flight, fight, and freeze).
Small Group Intensive 12/14 10-3Rise Up! Raising Vibrational Frequency for Greater Alignment, Support, Creation, Healing, Protection and Empowerment Our times are … unstable, precarious … challenging … understandably scary – and offer new opportunities to RISE UP – ENERGETICALLY.That which we call “essence” endlessly presents as shifting patterns of flowing energy which exactly sorts itself …
Journaling is a powerful, multi-modal engagement tool. The research is compelling, too. I think it’s an under-utilized tool and I am offering a Zoom workshop for a small group of interested participants.
Learn new ways to unleash your spiritual power to understand, let go and free yourself to more greatly experience and activate infinite love
Discover and decide as You Will to definitively break outmoded soul contracts
Details for my upcoming online workshop celebrating the spiritual significance of the last new moon of 2023. Join a nurturing small group of open-minded people.
ROC Metaphysical is a local Rochester-based event publication for practitioners providers and spiritually interested people.
Whether you have experienced multiple meditative and journaling practices or none, you will in this workshop, significantly and newly discover more multiple dimensions of self-healing, greater insight and coping in this time of transformation as your time of transformation and creative resolution
Karma Rising: A Centering Tools Spring Equinox offered by Marjorie Baker Price as an all-day small group intensive to experience and create individual/planetary evolution/resolution Sat March 21 9am – 4pm267 Oxford Street$118 includes all materials (bring own journal if desired), spe cially created guided meditation audio, continental breakfast, drinks, snacks (lunch on your own) …
Please join me for my upcoming small group intensive workshop on April 6. Details below! Small group intensive workshop: revealing and becoming your higher self Explore and Accelerate Beyond the Chakras to Raise Vibrational Healing and Empowerment. Experience Greater Emotional Freedom and Presence with the All That Is, and Transcendence Date: Saturday, April 6, 2019 …
Please join me at Lift Bridge Books in Brockport, NY for my signing event. No cost to attend and Lift Bridge Books is a wonderful bookstore. I'll be discussing Merinda and the Magic Mirror. Date/Time: Saturday, 30 March 2019 – 2:00pm to 4:00pm Event address: 45 Main St.Brockport, NY 14420 See Facebook event for more …