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Remote Zoom Workshop June 15

Whether you have experienced multiple meditative and journaling practices or none, you will in this workshop, significantly and newly discover more multiple dimensions of self-healing, greater insight and coping in this time of transformation as your time of transformation and creative resolution

How to Recover (Self) Love

It’s very natural for us, when we come to recover living our lives and perceiving ourselves as endlessly loving, unconditionally choosing from this place of love, to extend that to all other life, actually – and create and respond accordingly. So, for example, with partnerships we love ourselves, so we want to experience loving partnership and adventure accordingly… We feel right when we come to be in a state of endless loving and corresponding self-worth – kind and compassionate towards ourselves and others, as well as clear and clean in our inner and outer perceptions, creations and responses. This is how we change ourselves and the world as well.

You Can Break Stress Patterns and Recharge Yourself at the Core

Personal retreats clear, relax, inspire, transform, uplift, energize and empower. A classic example of a year long personal retreat is Thoreau’s autobiographical On Walden Pond.

I think of my personal retreats as an “unfolding” as well, as if I had secret wings that here can open up, spread, and take me far away to a special, secret, transcendent place of healing, higher power and new creation. It is your unique “breakaway” from which you will return changed – for the better.

The Easiest, Quickest Way to Meditate – It Works!

Why Meditate? Meditation continues to be more and more recommended as a wellness, de-stressing and self-healing practice, Clinical research says its benefits lower blood pressure, relieve migraines, boost immunological systems, erase pain, improve oxygenation, relieve stress, depression and anxiety, heighten insight, problem-solving and intuition . . .the impressive list goes on and on. When we …