Showing 41 Result(s)

Hypnosis For Healing – Benefits and A How-to Guide

An Integrative and Multidimensional Healing Practice Hypnosis is a wonderful integrative and multidimensional healing practice that supports physiological innate healing responses, relieves pain, boosts the immunological system, and improves circulation, oxygenation and elimination.  It supports better balancing of the metabolism and all aspects of the endocrine system, and profoundly de-stresses on all levels. Therapeutically hypnosis …

Rochester, New York Hypnotherapy Referrals

An Increasing Request for Services I am getting more and more requests from people who are unfamiliar to my Centering practice for hypnosis, even requests to speak about hypnotherapy from area high schools, hospitals, and organized sports.  I continue, throughout the scope and now-22 years of my Centering practice, to expand and experiment with the …

Top Ten Benefits of Hypnosis

A Definition I define hypnosis as a self-directed meditative energetic healing practice that postiviely and pleasantly engages the imagination to achieve chosen goals.  Hypnosis works with inner-directed central focus and the willingness to allow the breath to deepen and regulate itself.  One is then able to enter what in clinical terms is called a trance …

Hypnosis in the media

Often times I’ll see popular websites/sources of health information as displaying somewhat misleading information about some of the alternative therapies I’ve used with great success.  I was browsing the internet today and found myself at Mayoclinic’s website.  I must say, I was impressed with their characterization of hypnosis. I really liked their section called "Myths …

Use Hypnosis to Regulate Pain and Anxiety

Hypnosis has been in the news a lot.  For instance, recently had a report on the benefits of hypnosis on the child-birth!  With the birth of her second child, Milligan used a hypnotherapist, who she and her husband saw once per week for half-hour sessions. She learned how to relax her body using specific …