Showing 16 Result(s)

Admit What Do You Hate Most in Life– and Learn How To Fix It!

We’re taught that its best for us to become evolved, nice people; and the only way to achieve that most desirable goal is to eliminate hatred. While I couldn’t agree more with this – for there are very serious implications here about risk, violence and far-reaching destruction – it continues to be clearer and clearer to me that any “order” that tells us we’re not supposed to feel what we feel, sets us up to deny essential parts of our whole selves – and therefore condemns us to become victims.

Care for Yourself, Support Your Roch, NY Community This Holiday Season

Centering for Wellness Presents…Two Special Classes on Wellness Transformation “How-To’s” this Holiday Season & into the New Year to De-Stress, Experience Real Wellbeing and Heal Dysfunction: “I Can Do This!”-The Real Keys to Balance, Healing and Success in These Truly Changing Times; Monday Dec 3rd, 6-9pm Carmen Clark Lodge at the Brighton Town Park, 777 Westfall Rd, Rochester, NY 14620; Saturday Jan 26, 10am-3pm Buckland Lodge at the Brighton Town Park, 1341 Westfall Rd, Rochester, NY 14618

Two Special Classes on Wellness Transformation “How-To’s” This Holiday Season and into the New Year to Heal Dysfunction and Achieve A New Balance

I am delighted to offer these two key classes to better cope through this pivotal, intense and challenging holiday season and enter the new year “riding the waves” of critical change in all ways that support you and your life purpose that are sponsored by Centering for Wellness, Inc. the not-for-profit I founded in 2008 that focuses on wellness transformation.

How You Can Still Stay Centered in This Chaotic, Complicated World–Three Keys to Experiencing Wellbeing and Success

Always, the Real Challenge to Trust – I ask you to trust yourself and your own innate capacity to create newly and expansively, to be better able to support and sustain yourself and those you love as we move into this pivotal fall season. Know that all you so lovingly offer and honestly experience yourself is all you can really offer in the world – and what the world most greatly needs now.

A Journaling and Guided Meditation Workbook to Heal Yourself and Create Your Dreams

The Centering Tools Journaling and Guided Meditation Workbook to Heal Yourself, Empower Your Life, and Create Your Best Future is an amazing little coaching book. It takes you on a profoundly transformational inner journey to achieve body, mind and spirit healing, empowerment and evolution.
Following the guidelines helps unleash, in many wonderful ways, your own inner power to develop and creatively inspire yourself to achieve your dreams. It offers six chapters, each with key journaling exercises and unique guided meditation exercises . . .

“How to Stay Centered in a Chaotic World” Class in Rochester Feb 15

If you’re in the Rochester area and free that evening, you may want to give yourself a post-Valentine gift of love and power through joining me in this class from 7-8:30pm on Wednesday, February 15 in room 158 at Brighton High School, 1150 Winton Road South, Rochester, New York 14618: How to Find and Center Yourself in a Chaotic World. Staying centered is the key to freedom, happiness, empowerment and success In an increasingly unstable and chaotic world, we are even more greatly challenged to find and keep our center.