Showing 16 Result(s)

Breathe in Light – Transcendent Choice, Care and Healing in the Time of Corona

These are beyond troubling times.  In these – the current word to describe coronavirus’ world-wide outbreak is pandemic – and peaking times, we acutely search for meaning as keys to responding and resolving.

To uncover meaning and transcendent ways to cope, heal, protect, and grow through and beyond is all of what I want to offer – and as as a working definition of empowerment and transformation. 

How to Move . . . Past Managing, Fixing, Power Struggles – and Create Lasting Good

We love nothing better than feeling proud of what we’ve created in larger becoming, and all the wonderful and life-changing results that produces!  Like the representational heroic characters in The Wizard of Oz, the required elements to succeed and overcome are the innocence and revealed woundedness of a child, the limits of courage that can only come from accessing the furthest corners of core fears, the facing of a broken heart and the empty loss it brings, and the humble, emerging wisdom that explodes when one admits one’s basic foolishness. 

How to Move . . . Past Managing, Fixing, Power Struggles – and Create Lasting Good

We love nothing better than feeling proud of what we’ve created in larger becoming, and all the wonderful and life-changing results that produces!  Like the representational heroic characters in The Wizard of Oz, the required elements to succeed and overcome are the innocence and revealed woundedness of a child, the limits of courage that can only come from accessing the furthest corners of core fears, the facing of a broken heart and the empty loss it brings, and the humble, emerging wisdom that explodes when one admits one’s basic foolishness. 

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep Teleconference Wed April 17 7pm EST

Do you want to learn simple, quick tips to get a good night’s sleep? Join me at my upcoming half hour teleconference from 7-7:30opm EST on Wednesday evening, April 17. I’m delighted to be able to offer this free session to help you overcome difficulty sleeping, and in response to the many concerns and questions there were about how to get a good night’s sleep from the recent Centering Tools newsletter survey so many of you completed. I look forward to sharing the key successful strategies I’ve developed and consistently offer clients with great success to be able to reestablish, or even for the first time, experience a full, restful night’s sleep.

For One Hour on Feb 6 – Learn to Meditate in Ten Minutes in Rochester, NY

Learn to meditate in 10 minutes in this dynamic one hour class offered through Brighton Continuing Education at Brighton High School, Room 158, 1150 Winton Rd S., Rochester, NY 14618. You will quickly and profoundly relax, de-stress, heighten awareness, unleash creative potential, receive your intuitive impressions, and recharge your energy!

What About 2012 and Your Power to Transform Through This New Energy?

I am pleased to offer a teleconference through the spirit of Thanksgiving to deeply explore our current challenges to transform in this new, peaking time – and consider what emerging opportunities then become available to greatly share the results, when creative evolution is desperately needed and called for. I hope you can join me at 9 pm EST Wednesday evening, November 28 in guided meditation and key journaling exercises coupled with sharing discussions to support your great shift and challenge for wellbeing and offering in the world.

Care for Yourself, Support Your Roch, NY Community This Holiday Season

Centering for Wellness Presents…Two Special Classes on Wellness Transformation “How-To’s” this Holiday Season & into the New Year to De-Stress, Experience Real Wellbeing and Heal Dysfunction: “I Can Do This!”-The Real Keys to Balance, Healing and Success in These Truly Changing Times; Monday Dec 3rd, 6-9pm Carmen Clark Lodge at the Brighton Town Park, 777 Westfall Rd, Rochester, NY 14620; Saturday Jan 26, 10am-3pm Buckland Lodge at the Brighton Town Park, 1341 Westfall Rd, Rochester, NY 14618