Showing 37 Result(s)

Power Intuition Course

This extensive workbook and 2 CD’s course teaches you to specifically, successfully develop your intuition to support wellness, empowerment, achievement and evolution in every aspect of your life. This is a wonderful course to partner up and complete with a friend, experience as an extended workshop you can do at your own pace at home, and even use to start your own study group.

The Best Way to Handle Being Very Upset

Right now I have a lot going on in my life – a lot that is exciting, challenging, and intense – so not surprisingly, I “surge” with multidimensional, full-ranging emotions. This is of course a lot of what I support and help clients “track” and fully resolve with greater understanding, healing and personal growth in my work.

Here are the guidelines that work best for me, and that clients consistently tell me help them significantly and successfully work through emotional upset: