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Celebrate Your Independence – Here’s the Best Way to Set Yourself Free

THE PRESENT IS THE POINT OF POWER . . . Return to Greater Wholeness, and Free Yourself

I have, through my ongoing channeling, experienced a whole new way to enter the “space of no-thing – the endless present”. I have found it to be an infinite space of wholeness and physical, mental, emotional, spiritual belonging of equally endless possibility and freedom to choose . . . to simply be. All else simply falls away in this place of detachment and presence. Here we can change through our unleashed divine will, understanding all else is delusion. Therefore, we allow, freely create, and heighten awareness from a place of greater, developing understanding. Here are my recommendations for you to try . . .

Can You Really Give Up Control?

We are here to support our greater good without excluding anyone, anything, and especially ourselves. This vision and mission always produces “win-win” solutions that can only reveal themselves through staying present courageously and with compassion as the ongoing “observer-active participant” throughout a whole unfolding journey of becoming.