Showing 141 Result(s)

Healing the Wound of Discard

A Client’s Story Yesterday I received an email from a longstanding client who has done some amazing healing  and empowering work that continues to transform her life.  She generously gave me permission to include her wonderful story in this blog article, which I feel "touches, teaches and passes on " a central healing challenge.  Here …

Yes, Virginia, There Are Limits

The Use of Limits My mother would frequently say the following to me, "Once you set your mind to do something, there’s no limit to what you can acheive".  She meant it as a compliment, and yet, it never quite set well with me.  Through some related crises, I think I’m finally realizing why.  There …

Muster Up Your Courage and Ditch Perfection

Can You Give It Up? It just ain’t gonna happen.  Perfection, that is.  How much time per day would you guestimate you spend obsessing about yours or someone else’s lack of perfection?  Hate to break it to you, folks, but you’d be better off cleaning your bathroom, paying your most expensive bills, settling a thirty-year …

Rules to Live By for a Happy, Healthy 2008

Taking Stock in the Midst of Crises Happy, healthy new year!  2008 promises to be a significant year, with the upcoming presidential election and much, much more.  On an individual level, I find myself once again "taking stock" in the midst of some family crises which I don’t see "re-solutions" for at the moment.  I …

Cycle of Completion

Making Sense Out of Year’s End We are coming to the end of our annual 365-day cycle in a few short weeks amidst our great holiday flurry, meant and pushed in many culturally-driven ways to complete whatever, for us, meaningfully constitutes this year.  I saw a client around this time years ago who uncovered what …

Breathing Through

Busy dreams Busy, busy – lots of exciting things for me, which professionally involves creating more audios and writings – always exciting and wonderful.  Also at this particular time of year, of course, lots of family get togethers, which are so meaningful and important to me.  All but one of my four children are out …

Job’s Miracles Revisited

Remembering the Parable I found myself moved, in a session with a wonderful, long-standing client today, to retell the story of Job.  It was a struggle for my already way-overstocked memory, for it’s been a very long time since I read this parable in the New Testament.  I further remembered, once I began digging for …

The Real Bomb

The Real Cost My daughter emailed me this poem she wrote for her high school English class assignment.  It set off a torrent of emotion within me.  Here it is: Growing Up we used to have more fun playing games and laughing and feeling freer to be ourselves having not a care about what the …

Rites of Passage

A Full-Blown Rite of Passage Tomorrow I take my 24 year-old daughter to NYC where she will begin life, post-grad school completion, as a full-fledged, independent adult.  She will move into her first apartment, as well as, for the first time, not be attending school since beginning kindergarten. This is a full-blown rite of passage.  …