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Your Hands Really Can Help You De-Stress and Heal

I synthesized those techniques in 2008 when I created and offered Compassionate Touch Therapy to geriatric nursing staff in my area that was sponsored by a federal grant, over six months. I realized back in the nineties that all hands-on healing comes from the same fundamental course of transmitting energetically from a detached, unconditionally caring spiritual center.

Hands-on healing is simple. It is done in a deeper relaxed, meditative state through opening the palms of the hands and imagining (remember Einstein said, The imagination is everything!) that you can transmit universal life force energy.

Rochester Reiki and Energy Healing Class Feb 1 from 7-8:30 pm

Use the power of your hands and higher intent for de-stressing and self-healing through learning the basics of Reiki, a hands-on energy healing practice, and therapeutic touch. If you’re in the greater Rochester, New York area and around on Wednesday evening, February 1 from 7:00-8:30 pm, I’ll be offering this popular class through Brighton Recreation at Brighton High School, Room 158, 1150 Winton Road South, Rochester, New York 14618.