Showing 2 Result(s)

How to Access Your Great Spirit to Give And Receive . . . Miracles

I work so much, both in my practice and my own life, especially with complicated and peaking challenges, in how to access and develop our power to connect and support our own Great Spirits as a unique expression of the All That Is. In honor of you and your amazing work to support all greater good and the key spirit of this holiday…I want to share ten points of reference as key practices to access your Great Spirit…

What Is The Real Self-Healing And Empowerment Opportunity of Thanksgiving?

I invite you to give love away equally (everything only exists in a real state of balance) to your own power to understand and receive it, as your greatest gift to your own betterment and the only real translation of what you truly can “give away” – because you own love now through your greater and deeper understanding of what it truly is – to a desperately needy, unloved, broken world as your offering of healing and power.

In great blessings and through all loving connections – enjoy Thanks-giving . . .