Showing 143 Result(s)

10 Steps to Intervene and overcome crises of faith and/or feeling hopeless

I have been in the midst of very intense in all ways change over the past year. I have felt hugely overwhelmed and helpless to know how to make key decisions, effect necessary outcomes, and stay afloat financially, physically, mentally and emotionally.

I’ve known how much I’ve needed inner help to sustain and transcend these challenges, let alone find real solutions. In very new, specific and extended ways I’ve managed, through lots of intuitive, creative and self-healing experimentation to access, more than I ever dreamed possible, “unseen friends” who have made a critical difference in the amazing and wonderful outcomes I’ve experienced; and truly provided an equally surprising door that to me seems miraculous for a new beginning.

How to Go – And Stay – Higher

We are witnessing the opening of our basest, undeveloped, freaked out, regressed, dysfunctional selves in our country – and there’s hell to pay for us all. “Bad karma” would be the phrase for this, with suffering, expanding conflict, racism, expanding greed and economic disparity . . . can we allow ourselves to go backwards in a world that is primed to go forward and take us, whether we like it or not, along with it?

The core operative here on the earth plane is growth towards the expanding greater good – and there are no exceptions. Therefore, there are no “Others” that can’t or shouldn’t benefit from this in an endlessly, creatively unfolding present – we truly are All For One and One For All.

To Transform You Must Be Your Own Hero

We are all heroes, say all great ancient spiritual traditions, or we wouldn’t be here adventuring and evolving on the earth plane. Whether we talk about designated recovery from addictions, trauma, self-healing, empowerment, therapeutic intervention, they all, to me and actually Carl Jung as part of his definition of archetypes, challenge us to become who we truly are – heroes.

You Can Break Stress Patterns and Recharge Yourself at the Core

Personal retreats clear, relax, inspire, transform, uplift, energize and empower. A classic example of a year long personal retreat is Thoreau’s autobiographical On Walden Pond.

I think of my personal retreats as an “unfolding” as well, as if I had secret wings that here can open up, spread, and take me far away to a special, secret, transcendent place of healing, higher power and new creation. It is your unique “breakaway” from which you will return changed – for the better.

The Easiest, Simplest Way to Create Positive Change in Your Life

Do You Know the Real Benefit of Experience? As our lives go on and on, so do our experiences . . . and so do our interpretation of our experiences, including related judgments/belief systems…that always become significant burdens that can interfere with moving forward.  Ask yourself what the real purpose of experience is – what …