Showing 39 Result(s)

Free Wellness Retreat for Women with Cancer to Celebrate National Survivors Day June 5, 2011

Cancer is such a complex, extended, life-threatening disease.  My not-for-profit organization established in 2008, Centering for Wellness, Inc.,, in its holistic vision to offer self-healing and empowerment classes to at-risk populations as an extension of my work in Centering Tools, is offering as a celebration of National Survivors Day on June 5 a free …

How Can You Best Support Yourself?

What Heals and Develops Us Best Supports Us This is a key upcoming week in Judeo-Christian religion.  It begins with the onset of Passover, the celebration of the book of Exodus in the old testament, with the story of transcending the challenges of longstanding slavery to become, in full understanding, responsible, enlightened, free, and transformed. …

Client example: to describe an inner journey

In the spirit of this holiday season, I wanted to post this wonderful poemby another member of my monthly memoir writing group, completed in responseto my recommendation from the previous class to write a poem describing aninner journey to one’s heart.  Happy Equinox, spring (where is it?), Easter,Passover . . . and beyond . . …