Breakaway: beyond flight, fight, and freeze virtual workshop
Details on my upcoming virtual workshop on Feb 25. The workshop will address oppression and hate and how to move beyond our base reaction (flight, fight, and freeze).
Centering Tools: Holistic Counseling & Empowerment Tools
Holistic counseling practice since 1987
Details on my upcoming virtual workshop on Feb 25. The workshop will address oppression and hate and how to move beyond our base reaction (flight, fight, and freeze).
I recently had a chance at a day trip to one of the beautiful finger lakes in upstate NY. What I wrote can be described I guess as a collection of thoughts, a meditation, on my own feelings of sorrow about the sad state of the world (global warming) and our failure in leadership. Oddly …
Join our mailing list to receive Marjorie's "Three Simple Secrets to Eliminate Suffering, Enhance Healing, and Experience Peace & Prosperity" free Complete the form below to subscribe to our email newsletter. First Name * Last Name * Email * Email Consent * I give Centering Tools permission to send me email about new products, services and special offers. * Required …
Click on the link below to download my latest Centering Tools audio for self-healing and development, Becoming Your Own Light , as my gift to you. Please comment below on what you think! Love and light, Marjorie Becoming Your Own Light
Click the link to hear my one-hour teleconference on April 11, and be able to use the key tools for self-healing and empowerment I’ve developed this year to support your own best choices to live a better life and experience the transformation you desire! Download Comment at the end of this article on your results! …
I'm very proud to announce, According to Us: Four Older Women Tell Their Stories, by Diane Drechsler, Berdjouhi Esmerian, Barbara LaMark and Norma Rappl, and How to Write Your Own Memoirs by Marjorie Baker Price . This unique selection of life stories by four women in their seventies and eighties who developed memoir writing through …
Saturday, February 12 – A dynamic class to be able to "Meditate in Minutes for Balance and Healing" from 1-2 pm at The Bagel Bin Cafe, 2600 Elmwood avenue, Rochester, New York, 14618, offers relaxation and guided meditation exerecises as well as other powerful how-to's to make this a new year for transformed ease rather …
We Can All Receive and Perform Miracles Are you desperate for a miracle? Do you believe in miracles? Have you ever experienced a miracle in your life? A Rogers and Hammerstein musical revised on Broadway several years ago, The Flower Drum Song, had as one of its songs, titled, “A Hundred Million Miracles”. All great …
Meet, Lose, Get as the Endless Cycle of Self-Healing and Transcendence It used to be said in the heyday of making movies that all great movie scripts followed the same essential plot: “Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl”. I believe, minus the culturally conditioned sexism of this directive, that we are meant …
Can You Move Beyond Betrayal? Do you feel knocked down when life lets you down? Betrayal produces tremendous stress and loss of self-esteem, as well as a deep sense of hurt. We are caught off guard when we are betrayed, and can even feel ashamed and powerless. How can we bring ourselves back up and …