It’s Easy (and not so!) to Be Free

Ten Ways to Set Yourself Free

Ten Ways to Set Yourself Free

1.   Tell the truth

2.  Acknowledge how you feel

3.  Have no expectation

4.   Be courageous

5.   Accept yourself from knowing who and what you really are

6.   Love without condition

7.   Understand in every moment you choose

8.   Find your personal power

9.   Find your spiritual power

10. Own your own life

Four Transformational Recommendations

Pick a problem, concern, or fear to focus on.  Write it down without any additional commentary included (for example, what you think it means, what you think should be done, etc.)

Then focus on each of the above ten directives through first meditating for at least several minutes on each one, followed by journaling your impressions.

Pick one of the above ten directives to primarily focus on for a week as an experiment to try, to see what effect it has on your particular concern.  See what happens.

Continue for the next nine weeks to focus on one additional directive each week for this same concern as a similar experiment.  Record what cumulatively happens.    

In the tenth week, consider your sense of how free you feel.  Record your insights and your whole view of this experiment throughout these ten weeks.

What has happened to you?  To your life?  To your sense of wellbeing?

I always love to hear . . . Love and light, Marjorie


  1. Hi! My name is Damien Sayer. I’ve greatly enjoyed looking through your health website. I have a website on a related subject and I think it might be of interest to your readers. I just wanted to connect and ask help in building up momentum on my blog and maybe a bit down the line. If you’ve got 5 minutes for an interview or if you would like some content written for your site please let me know.


    Damien Sayer
    [email protected]

  2. Hi Damien – All the best with your work, and thank you for your feedback. I’m willing to do a five minute interview – email me the details at [email protected] – thanks – Marjorie

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