Rochester Self-Hypnosis Class Feb 29

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and “floats” with your self-determined, free will. If you’re in the greater Rochester, NY area and free, join me Wednesday evening, February 29 from 6:30-8:30pm in room 158 at Brighton High School, 1150 Winton Road South, Rochester, New York 14618, to learn how to use hypnosis to transform your life.

Hypnosis Only Works Through Your Free Will

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and “floats” with your self-determined, free will.  If you’re in the greater Rochester, NY area and free, join me Wednesday evening, February 29 from 6:30-8:30pm in room 158 at Brighton High School, 1150 Winton Road South, Rochester, New York 14618, to learn how to use hypnosis to transform your life.

The steps for successful hypnosis are few and simple, the effects significant and multidimensional.  You will experience the power and gentle depth of hypnosis in this dynamic class for self-healing and goal achievement. 

Hypnotherapy Clears and Releases Blockages

Hypnotherapy is an energetic healing practice which clarifies and releases blockages, frees motivation, and heals and releases the past.  It works with the creative imagination to determine your own original “how-to’s” to transcend resistance and confusion, and create miracles in your life.

The class includes handouts and my own created proven recommendations for ongoing benefits; and is offered through Brighton Continuing Education.  Check payable to Brighton Central Schools for fee of $45 for district residents, $45 for nonresidents can be mailed to Brighton Continuing Education, Brighton Central Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618; or delivered in person to the Administration Building (2035 Monroe Ave) between 8:00am-4:00pm M-F.

For further questions about registration email or call Mona, Director of Continuing Education, at 585-242-5191.  Any questions about the class, email or call me at 585-244-6210.