You Can Make Up Your Best Story as Your Roadmap to Healing, Empowerment and Success

Heroic Myths Since Our Beginning Inspire and Help Us Survive

 We have always, as a species, research confirms, seemed to repeatedly tell each other our favorite stories.  In ancient days we sat around tribal camp fires in a great listening circle, spellbound at hearing again and again heroic myths.

They both explained the world and inspired us to not only survive but transform ourselves, our lives, and our communities.  Suppose these myths truly are our core grassroots spiritual initiatives for individual and community healing, empowerment and success – a concept that is becoming increasingly considered as the best sustainable solution to survive and support ourselves and each other in this seemingly fracturing world.

Discover Your Own Best and Core Story as A New Higher Roadmap to Success

 I invite you to try this journaling and visioning exercise to discover your own core and best story and make it your experimental roadmap to best navigate in the world you may at times struggle to function, even survive in.  Universal myths are visions . . . and visions are the composition of transcendant, expanding, developing reality.

We are all geniuses at easily making up our own stories – as Einstein said, The imagination is everything.  Universal myths have the following basic cast of characters:

  • Hero/heroine who "comes of age" and is transformed through courageously, against all odds  meeting a supreme life-death challenge as the critical "peak" of a journey which is a true oddyssey
  • Fellow companions who surprisingly show up along the way
  • A "dragon" who must be vanquished
  • A great new emerging love 
  • A key sacrifice for the greater good and real resolution
  • The death of the previous life and/or self that existed before the journey
  • A greater understanding through experiencing the story of divine power/"magic"

A Guided Meditation and Journaling Exercise to Envision and Create a Greater You

Now settle back, allow yourself to be drawn through your deepening, easy breath into a relaxed, meditative and visioning state.  Focus on a key challenge you presently have.

Using the above qualities as a guide, begin to make up a story about how you then experience this challenge. Take all the time that you need to inwardly journey as the hero/heroine through your imaginative story which includes all of these bulleted elements.

Decide What You Can Do Today to Become the Hero/Heroine of Your Life

When the story comes to its end, record the entire vision.  Then read all that you've written, and record whatever insights occur.

Consider your story is your inspiring myth to best guide you to successfully meet this challenge and experience higher resolution, healing and success.  What can you now do in your life to respond and act  in the spirit and real meaning of these ways?

Follow Your Self-Determined Visionary Pathways to Support the Greater Good for Win-Win Solutions in Your Life

I wish you fine and magical resolutions; and greater transformation on your life journey as the real source of inspiration, to heal and more greatly love in the world.  I would love to get your stories – they "grow and spread" as they are generously shared! 

In light, Marjorie