The Benefits of Meditation
The absolute beginner’s guide to meditation, including how to start, the types of meditation practices there are, and the many benefits of incorporating this ancient practice into your busy day.
Centering Tools: Holistic Counseling & Empowerment Tools
Holistic counseling practice since 1987
The absolute beginner’s guide to meditation, including how to start, the types of meditation practices there are, and the many benefits of incorporating this ancient practice into your busy day.
Raising vibrational frequency listen free Feel free to listen to this guided meditation audio from my December 2024 workshop on raising vibrational frequency!
Journaling is a powerful, multi-modal engagement tool. The research is compelling, too. I think it’s an under-utilized tool and I am offering a Zoom workshop for a small group of interested participants.
Listen to this meditation audio to help get into a state of flow,
Whether you have experienced multiple meditative and journaling practices or none, you will in this workshop, significantly and newly discover more multiple dimensions of self-healing, greater insight and coping in this time of transformation as your time of transformation and creative resolution
The only way we heal and become truly stronger and greater than we were before is by surrendering to our emotional pain, being willing to unconditionally hear its full messages, view and be freely present in its memories, and accept what’s real – the real meaning of the last stage of grief.
Limited time offer: purchase a download card & receive 10% off a one-on-one session (valid for 30 min. or 60 min. session!) Our new download tokens/cards are a convenient way to improve your mental health on the go. Once you receive your token, all you need to do is follow the instructions and redeem your guided meditation audios!
Listen on any mp3 comptabile device (computer, laptop, smartphone, mp3 player).
How Can We Know What Really is Toxic for Us? There is so much hype about metaphysically and holistically ridding yourself of what is toxic to you that makes it even more difficult to know what is and is not. I think it is so important to clarify what all this means – and doesn’t …
It’s free…you know how to do this…it recharges, clears, strengthens and nurtures your entire energetic field –not to mention your heart beat, digestive track, breathing, brain and psyche. Here’s the best centering tool –as old as we humans are – meditate. It heals and transforms us. It empowers and allows us to be present in our lives. It will transform the world…
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