Showing 166 Result(s)

You Can Stop All Power Struggles in Your Relationships

Power Struggles Destroy Individuals and Relationships  Have you ever felt trapped in a power struggle with anyone?  It feels so frustrating and helpless, with no way out – the more the struggle, the more trapped we feel. Power struggles shatter self-esteem, shut down creative problem-solving, and destroy love and trust.  All power struggles twist people into …

The Basics of Chakra Healing

Chakras as the Foundation for Body-Mind Healing Chakras are energetic centers located up and down the spine up through the top of the head.  They are understood to be a foundation of Eastern spiritual healing, centering and development practices. As holistic healing and wellness techniques, or energy medicine, have continued to be more and more …

Top Ten Ways to Heal Yourself

  We are a wonderfully complicated, highly-developed multidimensional organism with great creative capability and adaptability.  We have the power to transcend and cope with the most difficult challenges and not only survive, but prosper.  All of these are qualities that produce self-healing, and also empowerment and personal development. As we swing into this pivotal, intense, …

Accept Your Heart

The Essential Guideline to Healing and Wholeness The heart as a metaphor carries a number of critical dimensions.  It exists as an inviolate spiritual center, meaning no matter what happens to its bearer, it has the capacity to continue.  To me the essential guideline to healing and wholeness is to hold true, no matter what, to accepting …

More Rules to Live By

Necessary Skills to Navigate Life offers many rich dimensions of challenges, joys, crises, successes, failures . . . and so much more . . . all opportunities and necessities for us to develop corresponding skill and capacity to navigate for healing, development, and, yes – survival.  Which brings me to join the ever-growing list of …

Full Circle

That which Supports and Completes the Greater Whole Healing is about completing and extending a circle of beingness.  It is about restoring greater balance that brings real resolution, peace, and acceptance – elements that form the end stage of grief.  It has been said that all core healing is about completing the stages of grief.  …

Integrative Health conference this October

I posted this in news and events as well, but here is more detailed information about the Dr. Jeffrey K. Harris Memorial Integrative Health Care Series event. You may also download the PDF below – it contains both the registration form and the schedule of events/list of presenters. Download 2008_conference_brochure.pdf Download 2008_conference_brochure_side_2.pdf What (quoted from …