Three Short Transformational Steps in 2011 to Create the Life You Choose

As this new year now begins to fully unfold, I want to share with you my three short, transformational steps in the order in which they are listed  below to clear, empower and uplift yourself to work with the universe to create the life you choose.  To experience the fully developing effects throughout your life, settle back into a relaxed, reflective state and journal, as directed below, to form your unique, powerful blueprint for healing, developing and creating this year:

1.  Clean it up!

*Include your home, your work spaces, your organization on all fronts, your follow-through, how you get ahead. 

*Zero in on specifying and simplifying your goals with a firm reality check only as the observer of your life and your world. 

*Determine within your own core honesty how worth it your stated goals are to you and the world; and your real capability, using your own innate spirit as the driving center, to bring forth corresponding results. 

2.  Lose it!

*Specify exactly what that means in factual, concrete terms regarding choice, behavior, relationships to yourself – your body, mind and spirit – others, and environments.

*Release obligations, burdens, whatever comes to no right end.

*View this as the only way to raise your vibrational frequency – uplift and free yourself – specifying what habits are required to both clear yourself as well as produce desired results.

3.  Create in honesty and clarity

*Ruthlessly acknowledge what is, and where it came from from your own inner, soul-directed observer.

*Trust and envision how you fully free yourself to return, release, and rise into the light of the All that Is to create through your divine power to transform yourself

*Take yourself, through accessing your high passions to determine and reflect on what is truly positive (where light becomes present to illuminate the dark, and dispel it) into the space where you allow your sacred inner marriage to occur within all parts of your spiritually developing self – where the light and dark become the fully integrated “bridge” to transform and create your dreams.