Accepting the Unacceptable
When we set ourselves free we can become present to create fluidly and powerfully in our lives. Trust is recovered, and we a-c-c-e-p-t and honor our divine right to become.
Centering Tools: Holistic Counseling & Empowerment Tools
Holistic counseling practice since 1987
When we set ourselves free we can become present to create fluidly and powerfully in our lives. Trust is recovered, and we a-c-c-e-p-t and honor our divine right to become.
I’m very excited to invite you to the second annual Centering for Wellness fundraiser, Fall Into Wellness, on Sunday, October 2 from 11 am-3 pm at Carmen Clark Lodge at The Brighton Town Park, 777 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY, 14620, to experience transformational wellness for yourself and your community. Walk a labyrinth, get massages and …
Saturday, September 24 10am-noon at The Bagel Bin, 2600 Elmwood Ave, Rochester 14618 MEDITATE IN MINUTES – In this dynamic and experiential class you will “reduce stress in an hour or less” and experience the healing, empowerment and centering that occurs from meditating. You will also learn how to continue this simple self-care practice that …
Hurricanes as Metaphors for Transformation I found out a little while ago that the place I thought I most miraculously and wonderfully escaped to for the weekend as a magnificent personal growth and self-healing retreat may well be in the path of the east coast hurricane, being told it will hit there the day after …
Hypnosis makes miracles.
Whatever we centrally focus on supports more of the same.
Heroic Myths Since Our Beginning Inspire and Help Us Survive We have always, as a species, research confirms, seemed to repeatedly tell each other our favorite stories. In ancient days we sat around tribal camp fires in a great listening circle, spellbound at hearing again and again heroic myths. They both explained the world and …
When We Know What Gets in the Way of Being More Compassionate in Our Lives We Open The Door to Healing and Success In my work lately with clients I have heard more and more, within their key processes of growth, emerging awareness about the transformational power of being more greatly and unconditionally present in …
Align Yourself with Your Higher Power’s Faith and Trust in Your Power to Achieve Your Goals Your dreams are really communications from your higher self in faith and trust in your power to create a better and more balanced life for yourself. Although the details of your dreams may change as you grow, the themes …
Cancer is such a complex, extended, life-threatening disease. My not-for-profit organization established in 2008, Centering for Wellness, Inc.,, in its holistic vision to offer self-healing and empowerment classes to at-risk populations as an extension of my work in Centering Tools, is offering as a celebration of National Survivors Day on June 5 a free …