For Closure in 2010 – And How That Happened

How To Best Take Stock at Year’s End

“And they said it couldn’t be done . . .”  As this year fast draws to an end, it is natural to think of how to best “wrap it up” in order to be able to be truly present in the new year.  Maybe that’s why this is the season of giving presents! 

Here are my top “ten times ten” tips for transformational year-end completion – all to be done uninterrupted and in a deeper reflective, inner listening place.  This is a lengthy, magical journaling exercise that I have just created that is well worth your time.

Closure Accelerates Self-Healing and Growth

I believe it was inspired by my own significant life crises this year.  I have found It will significantly accelerates self-healing and growth. 

You will find yourself in a higher vibrational frequency in 2011, better able to  manifest your dreams and more fully access and offer your spiritual power to support the greater good.  Fire away!:

Ten Times Ten Equals Tidal Wave Transformation

1.   List ten things you have learned this year and how that happened.

2.   List ten things you have let go of this year and how that happened.

3.   List ten things you have received this year and how that happened.

4.   List ten ways you have loved more greatly this year and how that happened.

5.   List ten things you have offered from your heart this year and how that happened.

6.   List ten things you have achieved this year and how that happened.

7.   List ten things you have sacrificed this year and how that happened.

8.   List ten fundamental changes you have experienced this year and how that happened.

9.   List ten ways you have forgiven this year and how that happened.

10.  List ten ways you have felt free this year and how that happened.

A New Basis for New Year’s Resolutions and Visions

Suppose these lists formed the basis of your new year’s resolutions?  Your new years’ visions?  

We can be energetically present with our past and see how it links to our present and future, for greater wholeness and wellbeing.  Our awareness heightens, and so does our power to freely choose.

May this be your sacred gift to yourself from your true inner center, emerging as miraculous light in your life.  May this be your foundation of support, identity and ability.

Happy, healing holidays – Marjorie