Centering, Healing, Empowerment and Reiki

The Integration of Centering and Reiki

Many times I am asked about the inclusion of Reiki in my Centering practice, and how I came to teach Reiki classes and offer Reiki within the scope of my Centering services.  The following is the story of how it all happened, and some of what I’ve discovered about the healing power of Reiki.

In the late 1990’s a friend strongly encouraged me to take Reiki I, II and III classes for certification as a Reiki Master, and equally strongly encouraged me to teach Reiki for certification. I must admit that before that time, after experiencing two Reiki treatments, I had concluded that I would never involve myself in Reiki. It felt too wild, not necessary, and intense for me.

Then I began teaching channeling in response to numerous client requests to learn intuitive and spiritual development. Many Reiki practitioners came to my classes, and they all pretty much shared that, for them, channeling profoundly complemented and enhanced Reiki.

The Offer I Couldn’t Refuse

Somehow all of these factors decided to combine to push me into learning Reiki in response to my friend’s “offer I couldn’t refuse”. Even my own channel wouldn’t let me say no, and so I entered the world of Reiki practice. What a wondrous world it was!

I began teaching classes as a small but tremendously important segment of my Centering practice in 2000. Reiki has found its way into all aspects of my personal and professional life.

Reiki and the Law of Attraction

I sometimes tell Reiki class participants that Reiki is like tofu, in that it combines well and subtly – but most powerfully – to enhance all aspects of healing, creating and spiritual development.

Reiki means “radiant universal life force energy”.  This is the translation of the Japanese words “rei” and “ki”. It doesn’t get any higher and more compelling, vibrationally speaking, to activate the Law of Attraction for body, mind and spiritual centering, healing and empowerment.

Manifest Heartfelt Desires by Doing Reiki on a Written Goal

Reiki helps manifest heartfelt desires and reveals, as well as powerfully releases, what interferes with them. When I Reiki a written goal, I experience an energetic extension and acceleration involving my sense of that goal creating itself in the world.  That, in turn, greatly enhances the achievement of that goal, frequently in miraculous ways.

Telepathic Reiki Supports Integrative Healing

Reiki profoundly relaxes and centers us. I use Reiki in my practice with clients to support meditation, insight, intuitive and spiritual development, and integrative healing.

I use Reiki in sessions to calm couples down, and break cycles of power struggles and victimization. I use Reiki in small groups and classes to greatly enhance hypnosis and channeling, and for in depth energetic support. I transmit Reiki telepathically in my prayer and healing work, just like I do on an ongoing basis during Centering sessions.

The Six Reiki Signs

Reiki is both hands-on and initiated by a centered, uplifted mind through spiritually-driven intent. The six Reiki signs for spiritual power; protection; mental, emotional and distant healing; mastery and profound completion can, in moments, erase stress and bring one to a radiating position of being at center.  Combined with a full-body Reiki treatment, they well extend and complete healing and centering.

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