Showing 47 Result(s)

Restoring Equiibrium in Precarious Times

Our  personal past as well, however it is emotionally incomplete, does profoundly and endlessly haunt us.  It will wait forever for authentic healing and resolution; and therefore is a central challenge to restore equilibrium. . .We know how to restore equilibrium when we access and trust our authentic self.  We are here to heal and evolve in order to create and extend a spiritual vision of love without exception, which shares infinite power to create to support the greater good, restoring equilibrium in wonderfully new, higher ways.

How to Access the Immense Power of Blessing – Everything!

Giving thanks is the directive – and acknowledging the abundance and gift of our blessings to survive, sustain and share. In our most troubling times I believe this holiday in particular spiritually offers us a great deal toward self-healing, development, empowerment, and most of all universal caring without condition and without fear, to truly create and support all of our greater good…In that spirit I want to share what I brought forth as the workshop focus in my women’s self-healing and empowerment monthly group meeting last week on exploring the larger meaning and opportunity of blessings for success and higher power for all. Here are the steps…

How to Go – And Stay – Higher

We are witnessing the opening of our basest, undeveloped, freaked out, regressed, dysfunctional selves in our country – and there’s hell to pay for us all. “Bad karma” would be the phrase for this, with suffering, expanding conflict, racism, expanding greed and economic disparity . . . can we allow ourselves to go backwards in a world that is primed to go forward and take us, whether we like it or not, along with it?

The core operative here on the earth plane is growth towards the expanding greater good – and there are no exceptions. Therefore, there are no “Others” that can’t or shouldn’t benefit from this in an endlessly, creatively unfolding present – we truly are All For One and One For All.

To Transform You Must Be Your Own Hero

We are all heroes, say all great ancient spiritual traditions, or we wouldn’t be here adventuring and evolving on the earth plane. Whether we talk about designated recovery from addictions, trauma, self-healing, empowerment, therapeutic intervention, they all, to me and actually Carl Jung as part of his definition of archetypes, challenge us to become who we truly are – heroes.

How Does Self-Healing Really Work?

It Connects and Aligns at Higher Levels Your Body, Mind and Spirit It effectively targets what I call the “critical mass” of dis-ease and effects shifting it into an “equal and greater” critical mass of recovery, higher stabilization, and wellness.  New “critical elements” are created through this transformational shift that produce these results, involving, at …