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  Thanks so much for signing up for the Centering Tools™ newsletter! We generally send out a newsletter 1-2 times per month.  Each newsletter contains free information, product specials or updates, and news about upcoming events.  We look forward to helping you on your path towards self-healing and empowerment.  As always, if you have any …

Being Present – No Matter What

We continue to live in intense, complicated, high-pressure times.  These current challenging dimensions thrust and move us to a different set of requirements to be able to live and best respond to what life offers, fully present. It is one thing to be fully present when “life is a breeze” – something else when it …

Podcast Episode 1 Outline

Podcast Episode 1 Outline Main Feature: Questionnaire If someone asked you what makes your holistic practice, Centering®, unique, what would you say in response?  Assume the questioner is not overly familiar with the self-help, alternative medicine, and/or holistic health industries but shows great interest in them. What are some of the main reasons you can …

Stay tuned for our new podcast!

We’re pleased to announce to you all that we’re working on a podcast for the Centering ® Tools website.  We’re in the planning stages now, so your comments and suggestions are welcome. Our first podcast will contain, among other topics, Marjorie’s commentary on the multi-faceted industry of alternative medicine.  Also, this introductory podcast will give …