What is Absent?

My Absence Wikimood_absent

Me, for one.  I have been absent from blogging and sending out Centering Tools email newsletters throughout the holiday season.

The reason why I’ve been so absent involves the final, precipitous and untimely absence of my beloved oldest child Anna, who died December 26 at 37 from still-unknown causes after a heartbreaking and rapid downhill struggle from complicated, multiple diseases.  She left three children aged 5-7 and her endlessly loving, heartbroken family.

My Beloved Daughter’s Passing . . .and Me

She was an enormously gifted, compassionate and insightful young woman – an acclaimed writer and singer, and a most creative spirit.  She was one of the most unjudgmental and loyal people I’ve ever known.

Other than my work, family, travel and hiking I haven’t engaged in “extracurricular activity” despite being endlessly interested in a number of possibilities since my twenties until this fall, when I accepted the Rochester Oratorio Society’s community invitation to participate in singing in the performance I ended up instead attending this evening of Lawrence Siegel’s Kaddish, and heard:

How Broken Hearts Regenerate

“Nothing is as whole as a heart which has been broken.

All time is made up of healing of the world.

Return to your ships which are your broken bodies; return to your ships, which will be rebuilt.”

The theme of Kaddish celebrates survival through the most horrific and decimating loss as it occurred in World War II for European Jewish victims of the Holocaust, which included some of my relatives.  Loss creates absent space, relationship, and being – especially unnatural/untimely loss.

The Truth About Survival

I can relate – and who among us, as we live our astoundingly unfolding lives in a number of immensely challenging ways, doesn’t?  How do we survive absence of love and the loss, the pain it brings?

When Anna was 12 in 1989 her father also died suddenly of causes unknown, that subsequently over several months revealed coronary artery disease precipitating a massive heart attack.  The heart breaks and we die…so how is it that when we experience key, tragic losses in our lives and our hearts absolutely split and break open, like Humpty Dumpty, with the pieces never put back together the way they were, that we manage to survive?

Life Exists Only in Its Terms

Galadriel in Lord of the Rings says “everywhere…on the earth…love and loss…are…mingled…”.  This fact is probably both the most deliberately ignored and predictable center of our life and experience.

How is it that we ignorantly find our way to survive absence?  Life waits for no one, no thing – it continues to rush along in all its minutiae, as a member of my monthly women’s self-healing and spirituality group said last week, uncaring about absence and pain and loss.

What We Must Acknowledge – Even Honor

We are taught to ignore and fear more than anything what truly stops our world and breaks our heart.  We’re meant, though, to honor this absence as we honor nothing else, along with allowing life to continue to unfold and grab and carry us, in all its unfolding moments, along with it.

I left the performance of Kaddish this evening wiping away the tears which kept rolling down my cheeks with a strange sense of hope that I’m still not moved to make any kind of sense out of.  I do think, though, that the real meaning of acceptance as the final titled stage of grief is simply coming to accept without agenda, rationalization, excuse or other predetermined conditioning what’s real . . . and simply, graciously acknowledge what’s true.

The Key to Transmutation

The door opened tonight after all these terrible weeks for me to write once again and open my bursting, broken heart to share with you all as an offering, as a “deep dive” into what life and survival really means through facing the challenge of inevitable loss.

Nobody gets out of here alive, as the saying goes.  Really getting the truth of that is meant to sharpen our awareness and development to better live our lives from an authentic, present core, and in alignment with our own true rhythms.

We become stronger, clearer, and more balanced, able to partner in the present and with each other, and create from a higher plane of consciousness.  How the world needs these “presences” . . . and how much we need to be who and what we really are, as we admit how and what this world really is.




  1. I love you, Marjorie and I grieve your loss. What profound words you write, still you are teaching, mentoring. You hold a special place in my heart, you who have been my wise guru all these years, have helped me in my life in countless ways. I send you only love and receive still gracious teachings. Bless you and may time lessen the sharpness of your pain. May your grandchildren know peace, blessed that they are with you as their grandmother. I send healing prayers to each of you.

  2. Reading your post, Marjorie, I have no words except “I am so, so sorry”. I had no idea what a precious and tender loss you are, and have been, deeply in. I appreciate your intimate sharing. Your words are wisdom and healing for us, as in many other times you’ve shared, and my hope is that you may find moments of respite, for yourself, as you grieve and move within this great loss of your daughter’s crossing. Much love to you.

  3. Marjorie,

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the incredible amount of pain you must be going through. You are an incredibly strong lady and continue on with grace despite all you have been through.

    Sending light and love,

  4. Marjorie,

    The weight of words and the raw emotion with which you express your loss touches all of us who are connected to you in love, strength, passion and life at a very deep level.

    I grieve for your loss and am so very sad for you and your family. I hope and trust that you and your family will find eventual peace in the pieces of a life that was taken too soon.

    As always sending you lots of of love and eternal light.


  5. wishing you continuing peace and comfort, Margie.
    Thank you for posting.

  6. Typepad HTML Email

    Thank you, Wendy xo

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  7. Typepad HTML Email

    Thanks so much for all your caring and insight, Ingrid – love,

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  8. Typepad HTML Email

    Thanks so much, Dawn – Marjorie

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  9. Typepad HTML Email

    Thank you so much, Leah – Marjorie

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  10. Typepad HTML Email

    Thanks very much, Belinda – Marjorie

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  11. Typepad HTML Email

    Thank you so much, Diane xo

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  12. Marjorie, beautiful article. I use that word in the purest sense, being the beauty of love, deeper truth and open heart. May all beings know love and peace in their hearts.

  13. Marjorie, I am thinking about you and as I read your story my heart aches for you and your family., You are special in how you can manage to be in such a painful time and have the words and truth that continues to help so many people..

    I will see you soon,, xxoo

  14. Typepad HTML Email

    Thank you very much, Connie – look forward to seeing you –

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  15. My sympathy goes to you. I know how tough the situation can be especially when the one you lost is someone that is really close to your heart. It’s just great to know that you finally found the courage to move forward, do what you want and be of help to others. I wish the best for you.

  16. Typepad HTML Email

    Thank you very much for your caring and condolences – life
    always moves in its way and as long as we live we are a part of its forward
    thrust – Marjorie

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

  17. Dear Marjorie,
    I had no idea. I am very sorry to hear this. I send you and the little ones love and prayers. What can I do? I know the little ones are blessed to have you and as you heal they will too, in time.
    Wishing you and your family well.

  18. Typepad HTML Email

    Thank you so much, Hally – it means a great deal to me.
    I think loving and caring is its own miraculous, infinitely strong transmission
    that goes anywhere and everywhere to bring light in so many ways, and a critical
    dimension that always “makes better” – Love and light, Marjorie

    Baker Price, RN
    Certified Hypnotherapist
    Reiki Master Level
    Centering Tools for Self-Healing
    [email protected]
    cell: 585-750-1751

    You must be the change you wish
    to see in the world.

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