The Best (The Only) Way to Change

In spiritual terms all change is about more greatly finding yourself and seeing the truth about the world you live(d) in. These two results reshape you to “meet”, through your life’s journeys, your truly desired “change(s).

Change: It's About Finding and Recreating Your Authentic Self

Self other smallIn spiritual terms all change is about more greatly finding yourself and seeing the truth about the world you live(d) in.  These two results reshape you to “meet”, through your life’s journeys, your truly desired “change(s).

Does it sound like a fairy tale?  Soul changes, as I call them, may or may not jive with ego-driven goals, for the ego is physically rooted within correspondingly concrete limits, and can’t conceive in visions. 

The Ego Can Stop This

When we surrender to our ego’s directives about how to change, we become understandably terrified and feel helpless to cope.  It seduces and captures our passion and creative power to create faulty belief systems and choose addictive behaviors as the only alternatives for its perceived risk of not surviving. 

So we live and struggle to survive and sustain in this rapidly changing world of breaking systems and no real-seeming rest, let alone final results.  Multiple, unsustainable changes can only be ever-shifting, like the wind. 

How to Cope, Change, Transcend, Create and Sustain Anew

It’s not surprising, then, that when this happens, we can we can feel desperately moved to our core to seek a place of light and stillness.  What can you imagine a place of light and stillness would look like to you? 

Which leads me (of course!) to invite you to settle back, close your eyes, and count to yourself five easy, even, cleansing breaths, saying “receive, let be” as you inhale, and “release, let go” as you exhale.

An Inner Journey to Discover Your True Base for Adapting (And Creating) Change

Imagine you can ask your endlessly-flowing breath…spirit… one source connection…to bring you to its place of light and stillness…and experience all that unfolds for and with you in this…shift…this change…

Until you have a sense of completion…for now…and then easily, naturally allow your endless-flowing breath…spirit…one source connection…to bring you full circle, back and back, until once more you return to full, waking consciousness, and open your eyes…

The Transforming Results

And record/draw your experience.  When you’ve finished, take a few minutes and read through it all and “take it all in”.

You’ve described a soul journey of change.  Now consider any/all ways that may occur to you, based on this experience, as thematic steps you can apply to any/all desired change and happening change in your life right now.

What About Unleashing Passion and Creativity?

An inner place of rest and infinite possibility – which at one’s free core is an authentic place of light and stillness – is the activated, soul-determined vision of passion and creative power. It is always your sustaining force which guides you to seek and discover how to partner with the inner and outer transcendent forces of change you are drawn to and experience; always for self-healing, development and creation to extend the greater good. 

This is never the stuff of what we may call the soap opera of life, which is fundamentally never-changing, only a ceaseless round of victim-persecutor-rescuer.  Our soul’s love to create and adapt to change because it expresses free and functioning choice, always bringing forth what otherwise wouldn’t have been for growth and connection.

Accept and Offer Your Real Change to Extend Evolution and Healing Possibilities in Our World

So change is not a force to deny…only one to be reckoned with.  Please share your results for your own extended satisfaction, and to offer another dimension we can all draw from to support all our transformative and amazingly creative inner and life journeys…at this time that so begs for rest and sustenance…

Namaste, Marjorie