Showing 48 Result(s)

Become Your Higher Self

Become Your Higher Self Physical: $13.97 .MP3: $9.97 You can rise above where you feel caught and stuck – “lesser than” you know you are – to heal and evolve spiritually to birth your greater self as your best guide and ally through this guided meditation hypnosis audio.               …

Accept and Love Yourself

 Accept and Love Yourself Physical: $13.97 .MP3: $9.97 Experience this healing guided meditation hypnosis audio to create a soul miracle for you of recovery – your heart’s desire to unconditionally love and accept yourself just as you are. This restores your power to be fully present in the world, to share, respond and create your …

Shamanism: Spiritual Journey of Empowerment

Shamanism: Spiritual Journey of Empowerment Physical: $13.97 .MP3: $9.97 You can experience the way of the shaman, or ancient healer who can travel from the physical to the spiritual realms to experience the path of spiritual power and transformation to heal, develop and create miracles, through this two-part guided meditation and hypnosis audio with special …

Accept and Love Yourself mp3

Accept and Love Yourself mp3 – $8.97 Experience this healing guided meditation hypnosis audio to create a soul miracle for you of recovery – your heart’s desire to unconditionally love and accept yourself just as you are.  This restores your power to be fully present in the world, to share, respond and create your true …

Purchase NEW Centering CD’s!

In addition to my CD release celebration (to take place later today, Wed. Dec 05, 2007), you may now purchase my newly released CD’s via this new page (its also located on the sidebar under "Centering Products".  Here you can pay conveniently online via paypal (note: see the page for instructions) and I will mail …

energetic healing mp3

Download the Energetic Healing Centering Guided Meditation Audio.  Take it with you via your iPod or mp3 player, or download it to your computer for only $8.97 (and no shipping cost/tax!) Your Price: $8.97 You can experience body-mind healing at its core level through this special guided meditation hypnosis audio which shifts you away from …

Hypnosis in the media

Often times I’ll see popular websites/sources of health information as displaying somewhat misleading information about some of the alternative therapies I’ve used with great success.  I was browsing the internet today and found myself at Mayoclinic’s website.  I must say, I was impressed with their characterization of hypnosis. I really liked their section called "Myths …