Relax, Recharge, and Refocus


This is a guided meditation collection of three CDs including freedom from stress, get a good night’s sleep, and clear blockages. Total recording time is aoorix, 66 minutes


This CD collection includes three hypnosis guided meditation CD’s and is themed around the goal of recalibration. 

You can release stress, pain and anxiety at a core level physically, mentally and emotionally through this acclaimed hypnosis and guided meditation audio album. You will extend and balance your energy as you experience body, mind and spirit integration, balance and overall rest and well-being.

You will be able to centrally focus, and gain higher awareness and experience greater insight in all aspects of your life. Experience the life-changing results of: Clear Blockages, Get a Good Night’s Sleep, Relax! Freedom from Stress, and Release Pain.

In Relax! Freedom from Stress you will experience a proven way to truly get away from it all and experience your authentic inner center. Through this guided meditation you will deeply relax and release mental, physical and emotional stress. You will heighten awareness, and achieve clarity and greater insight.

You will find your core source of inner strength to get beyond what is getting you down. Once you release stress, you can face the present and free yourself to be able to choose what will bring you to a place of “ease” rather than “dis-ease”.

You can assess your level of stress and need to successfully relax by answering these questions:

Are you physically, emotionally, and mentally overcome by too much stress in your life?

Is your sleep, appetite and ability to think clearly, as well as general well-being, worsened by all that is overwhelming you?

In Get a Good Night’s Sleep you will be brought to a state of deep relaxation, release the stresses of the day, and drift off into a full night’s sleep. You will quit tossing and turning, and losing night after night of restful, complete sleep. Through regular listening you will awaken refreshed, recharged and able to be clear, focused and recharged to begin a new day.

In Release Pain! you will be gently, deeply moved to a place of deep relaxation. Pain wears us down, increases stress, and interferes with all levels of life function. As multiple levels of pain are released, you will experience “rising above” pain, where you will find a new sense of balance, ease and protection from ongoing sources of stress, dis-ease and resistance.

Do you feel blocked despite your best efforts to get ahead in life? Are you fearful that you can never get past what keeps you from what you know is your greater good? Are you desperate to get out of the “box”, where you feel trapped in repeat circles of experiencing exactly what you don’t want in your life? Does it seem you hopelessly struggle to achieve loving relationships and a true sense of wellness and peace?

In Clear Blockages, body-mind-spirit blockages can centrally clear, and you will feel lifted beyond whatever is really blocking your true well-being. From there you can experience a profound sense of spiritual protection, body-mind healing, and be able to recover your fully empowered self.


“I slept like a log last night! Got home around 7:30 after I picked up the audio – must be I relaxed enough to sleep very soundly until the phone rang about 10:30. I started it again and slept until 7:00. So I would say there have been good results so far. I have not done or been able to do that since I do not know when.”-

-William LoDico

“The best guided meditation I’ve ever experienced.”

– Karen Armstrong

“I highly recommend Marjorie’s work and her practice Centering Tools…her professional skills and unique insights have contributed immeasurably to my own personal growth as well as the growth and self-understanding of others.”

-Wendy Burwell

Additional information

Weight 1.0 lbs