Showing 141 Result(s)

The Challenge Against Assertiveness

Failing to Be Assertive is What Fails and Loses Ourselves We’re taught not to be assertive in our world.  This is the way it’s been for a very long time, certainly since we decided as humans creating societies to disempower women . . . say, beginning about 5,000 years ago. We’ve all failed and lost …

Valentine’s Day Magic

How to Return to Love and Being Loved We are only capable of truly loving when we unconditionally love ourselves and all others as being part of the same divine union.  On this Valentine’s Day 2009, when the world is full of peaking global crises, can we dare return to an inviolate space to love …


Success and Failure What does success mean to you?  Failure?  We live in a culture that profoundly and primarily drives us to "success" and "failure".  I want to focus  in this article on clarifying what those terms mean to you, because your consciousness works with those terms, probably, every day of your life – and …

10 Top Tips for Assertive Success!

Free Yourself from Being A Grown-up "Good Little Girl" Assertiveness is a well-worn word in our culture, but still a goal that many people struggle with.  I do a lot of assertiveness training in my practice, which continues to involve a lot of women clients.  It is also well-known, and for a very long time, …