Showing 180 Result(s)

Wrap Yourself at the End of the Year in A Center of Peace and Freedom

We are meant to discover what essentially pleases and fulfills us, and what our life’s passions are. We are meant to unconditionally love ourselves and a correspondingly loving world in which we can freely share and just as freely spread our wings and fly through our own processes of enlightenment and power.

A Thanksgiving Revolution Through the Unleashed Divine Feminine Spirit

I invite you to go into your deeper meditative space and consider, through asking your own authentic spirit to show you all the inner presenting parts of yourself – how you can name, accept, receive, extend and honor them all as expressions of your own authentic sacred being – coming together in peace and transcendent acknowledgment of all that you really are, where you really came from, and how your really hope to be.

Keys to Accessing the Transformative and Healing Power in Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us

The Real Antidote to Shutdown is to Write from Your Heart It has been awhile since I’ve written.  I miss getting into my most sacred inner space to blog.  Unfortunately the longer I’m away from writing the more blocks seem to surface and more and more, then, prevent me from expressing and sharing the scope …