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Remote Zoom Workshop June 15

Whether you have experienced multiple meditative and journaling practices or none, you will in this workshop, significantly and newly discover more multiple dimensions of self-healing, greater insight and coping in this time of transformation as your time of transformation and creative resolution

Using interoception to regain your capacity for self-examination

Interoception: 'the somatic mechanism that informs us of all of our internal sensations' Interoception is a form of mindfulness meditation that can help you restore your ability to self-examine. It should be used on your own emotional, moment-to-moment thought patterns as well as on your sense of your physical, bodily sensations. But what is interoception? …

Restoring Equiibrium in Precarious Times

Our  personal past as well, however it is emotionally incomplete, does profoundly and endlessly haunt us.  It will wait forever for authentic healing and resolution; and therefore is a central challenge to restore equilibrium. . .We know how to restore equilibrium when we access and trust our authentic self.  We are here to heal and evolve in order to create and extend a spiritual vision of love without exception, which shares infinite power to create to support the greater good, restoring equilibrium in wonderfully new, higher ways.

How to Move . . . Past Managing, Fixing, Power Struggles – and Create Lasting Good

We love nothing better than feeling proud of what we’ve created in larger becoming, and all the wonderful and life-changing results that produces!  Like the representational heroic characters in The Wizard of Oz, the required elements to succeed and overcome are the innocence and revealed woundedness of a child, the limits of courage that can only come from accessing the furthest corners of core fears, the facing of a broken heart and the empty loss it brings, and the humble, emerging wisdom that explodes when one admits one’s basic foolishness. 

How to Get Beyond Conflicts of Caring

The idea for this post was motivated in part by Heather Plett's "What it Really Means to Hold Space for Someone"– after reading it, ask yourself how the concept of holding space might apply to yourself? And be sure to read the article on   Conflicts of Caring Interfere with Creating and Developing I …

How to Change Vibrational Frequency

This ability that we all have is a foundational step toward being able to shift frequencies, and therefore “shift” our sense of being and wherewithal to synchronize with experience, which we do ongoing. Jerry and Esther Hicks, through channeling Abraham, talk a lot about how to clearly identify feelings as patterns of energy, with the understanding that particular feelings carry particular vibrational frequencies which can be shifted.