Showing 520 Result(s)

Do You Know What’s True – And What Isn’t?

A lot of what I do in my practice is to separate truth from fiction. It’s actually, I’ve discovered, fundamentally easy – what’s hard, as Glinda said to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz – is getting people to believe it. We really only can come to believe something through being willing to look at what is true in our experience . . . which is greatly helped, if not required, by separating what is true from what is fundamentally delusion. greater awareness, insight,self-healing, personal growth, personal power, wellbeing, Declaration of Independence,

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep Teleconference Wed April 17 7pm EST

Do you want to learn simple, quick tips to get a good night’s sleep? Join me at my upcoming half hour teleconference from 7-7:30opm EST on Wednesday evening, April 17. I’m delighted to be able to offer this free session to help you overcome difficulty sleeping, and in response to the many concerns and questions there were about how to get a good night’s sleep from the recent Centering Tools newsletter survey so many of you completed. I look forward to sharing the key successful strategies I’ve developed and consistently offer clients with great success to be able to reestablish, or even for the first time, experience a full, restful night’s sleep.