Welcome to the Crone-Grandmother and the Rebirth of the Divine Feminist

Crone as Grandmother

I became a grandmother October 4, 9:28am to Ethan Antonio, weighing 9 lb, 9 ounces.  A swift rite of passage, this – another dimension to a full, loving life with all its joys, gift, challenges and tragedies – and a whole other introduction to the Crone, ancient third face of the Goddess trinity, who revealed her secrets to  me so that I could rebirth and integrate my divine feminist.

Grandmother remains a fairly revered term in our culture.  In Rochester, New York where I come from and live, the Seneca nation carried the matriarchal tradition as the dominant directive for passing down names and leadership in the tribe.  It’s interesting to note this also happened to be the place where Susan B. Anthony was born and spent her life.

Grandmother as Compassion

Grandmother is Crone – She who is past bearing children, but carries the ancient lineage of the divine feminine as both ancient and earned wisdom through Her own experience, which she endlessly shares with others.  This divine feminist, exemplified through the Crone, somehow manages to extend and center her own spiritual power while generously offering it to everyone and anyone as the pinnacle of what we call the Earth Mother.

I am detached and immensely caring and concerned as Grandmother.  I can take the long view through my own rich experience, having nearly raised four children now as I continue to centrally live my own multidimensional, incredibly rich life.  That is the definition of the word "compassion" – detached loving.

Centering as Supporting Healing and Empowerment Through the Divine Feminist

It occurs to me that in my centering practice I am very much Grandmother as well.  Having found my own inviolate spiritual, multidimensional, integrated Center, I am happiest sharing endlessly with all others that I have the immense honor to work with, to support their own journeys of healing and empowerment. 

I sense a mysterious regenerative energy that fuels me and all with whom I amazingly connect only through finding my innate capacity to be a channel – not knowing, not caring re: outcomes – just delighting in being able to participate in the joint creative adventure that emerges through whatever becomes the client’s central concern.

A New Identity of Regeneration

Perhaps we’re all divine feminists.  Can we carry, exemplify and own this wonderful dimension of spiritual empowerment, accepting, releasing, receiving, unconditionally listening?

I invite you on an inner journey for your own experience of regeneration through the guided meditation below.  Please let me know what happens – and more importantly, keep your emerging directive as a treasured guide to yourself for healing and empowerment in your profoundly unfolding life.

A Guided Meditation to Return to the Divine Consciousness

Settle back in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and deepen your breath.  Imagine how quickly, how completely, how easily your deepening breath envelops you in its light, endless rising and falling waves. 

Imagine how your breath forms a light cocoon of flowing energy, and how wonderfully you float, so freely held ion the center.  Know it is a divine center, a place of "God-us".

Experience the True Identity of Goddess

Say this word to yourself three times as you continue to breath evenly,  rhythmically in and out.  Feel the infinite flowing energy, the sacred power flowing everywhere throughout your being – through your body, mind and spirit – through your past, present and future. 

"Goddess" – say the word, and experience, however this occurs, your innate, intuitive sense o0f the divine feminine as your own rebirth.  Know that as you experience, so do you own and accept it through all its gifts. 

Your Call to Share and Receive

Consider your call to share, to offer to yourself and your life, and to all others as you wish.  Allow your inner journey to bring you to its own place of completion – full circle, and when you’re ready, once more, through the light rhythms of your free, easy breath, once more return to full, waking consciousness, and open your eyes.

Record your experience.   When you’ve finished, settle back, read what you have written, and consider what your rebirthed divine feminist is asking you to commit to for extending healing and empowerment.

Enjoy the gifts!