Showing 8 Result(s)

Can You BE at Peace This Year?

It is so elusive – and how could it not be in our violent world – and yet it remains the great message of this holiday season – of every holiday season every December. Peace . . . peace . . . we are told to seek, in our hearts, in our world . . .The “present” of becoming more greatly present, aware, and empowered is all you can offer a world desperate to transform and transcend dysfunction.

How to Really Heal Fear

Know Your “Tangles” to Heal Your Fear

We all have them. We are running around here in our earthly lives “blind as a bat” with the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bruises to show for it.

Think of the above-described “bruises” as “tangles”. Tangles, however, are transformed elements that translate out into attempts to cover up fear.

How to Live and “Float” in Intense Times

. . . we need to come to an integrative place of completion and emptying,with all parts of ourselves – body, mind, heart, gut and spirit, so to speak – that then naturally returns us to a place of authentic clarity and a “clean center”. Where we feel and experience challenge is where the cutting edge of our transformation that wants to emerge as our higher level of becoming exists.

How Can I Care For You If I Can’t Care for Me? Top Ten Tips To Transform

Ask for light to surround and fill every part of you, and say to yourself, I accept it all – my light, my world, my choices, my endless power to create in my open world of many dimensions without beginning, without end – the circle of endlessly flowing rhythms – all one – caring for and with me, extending everywhere without condition.