Showing 15 Result(s)

Get a free consult, or book a session

An initial consultation is always free for prospective clients. This is where I’ll provide you with an opportunity to discuss what’s going on in your life, your medical history, your personal history, and what goal(s) you may have. Call (585) 244-6210 to schedule a free consult I’ll ask you about what kinds of experience you …

Handouts and Media

For more information about Centering Tools™: PDF – Informational handout about Marjorie Baker Price and Workshop Presentations PDF – Informational Handout for New Clients PDF – Download What is Centering Tools  Video Files How to Stay Centered in a Chaotic World . . . with special guided meditation and writing exercises for self-healing and empowerment. …

Learn about women’s spirituality and empowerment groups

 Learn about my monthly ongoing women's empowerment groups Join a monthly ongoing women's spirituality group for self-healing and personal transformation. Three small groups that have been meeting monthly for years now have openings. You'll experience a powerful opportunity to meet with a loving and supportive small group of "like-minded fellow travelers" and share in deepening …