Sign up for a Karmic 2020 Spring Equinox

Karma Rising: A Centering Tools Spring Equinox offered by Marjorie Baker Price


as an all-day small group intensive to experience and create individual/planetary evolution/resolution

Sat March 21 9am – 4pm
267 Oxford Street
$118 includes all materials (bring own journal if desired), spe 36325336_10216901875958022_2919479619746791424_ncially created guided meditation audio, continental breakfast, drinks, snacks (lunch on your own)

In these critical times we are inspired and pushed to evolve toward greater wholeness and regain personal power and creative freedom to form a unique foundational spiritual core – and exist and extend life and being in unleashed unconditional love, at a significantly raised vibrational frequency.

You will be guided and multidimensionally supported into your own transcendent work and connections. You will also have the opportunity to gain further unique insights within synchronistic sharing and amazing offerings that organically occur within a skilled, facilitated, small, and nurturing like-minded group to:

* Understand the true meaning of karma and your unique life position, to be able to be poised for accelerated and multi-dimensional healing, empowerment and evolution

* Learn to create within the flow of effortless transformation to correspondingly clear, release and resolve key stuck points – allowing them to reveal themselves as both markers for core conflicts and the real path of profound self-healing and development

* Extensively explore and identify in the space of no-thing (The Void – All That Is – your infinite core) these convergent themes as guides to completion, and ascend to higher, freed purpose

Questions and to register email or call 585-244-6210.  Space is limited!