Self-Renewal and Transcendence in This Time of Transformation
A Centering Tools™ Meditation and Journaling Retreat Weekend for Healing and Development
7pm Fri Oct 23 through noon Sun Oct 25 (book optional 1:1 sessions Sun 1-5 pm)
Cobblestone Springs Spiritual Retreat Center, 4306 Lakemont-Himrod Road, Dundee, NY 14837 Phone: (607) 243-8212 Email: c[email protected]
How do we navigate rapid, engulfing change?
We must adapt to survive… and I believe we somehow know, in transcendent moments, that we must seek new answers to create greater caring and becoming… for ourselves and each other.
Join me in this unique meditation and journaling retreat weekend in a small, nurturing group to experience and synchronize transcendent power in your life!
You will:
- Discover and erase the real root of faulty belief systems and preconceived agendas
- Reveal your authentic, empowered, endlessly creating spiritual Self as your primary guide
- Learn how to open divine potential and experience your sacred space of limitless becoming
- Identify and reintegrate your core spiritual relationships with others, environments, goals
$150 for workshop, check/all bankcards accepted.
Accommodations additional: all meals (2 breakfasts, one lunch and one dinner) $25 per person; room $50 per night private or $35 per person per night shared. Book through Anne at Cobblestone, 607-243-8212 or email c[email protected].
Contact: [email protected]
585-244-6210 cell: 585-750-1751