Mandalas, Medicine Wheels and Meditation–An Empowerment Retreat to Create Your Own Sacred Circles for Healing, Protection and Power

***We exist in a great sacred circle, and in order to recover, empower and develop ourselves, we need to become our own light centers. 

***In this transformational workshop you will understand, experience and create your own sacred mandalas and medicine wheels as they have existed since ancient times. 

***These become your key tools to experience greater, higher and more accelerated shifts in your life.

Join me in this creative exploration of these sacred wheels of power to set your own light space this year for healing, protection and balance to: 

  • Bring forth your unique sacred circles without beginning, without end to . . .
  • Express all your dimensions and dreams to . . .
  • Learn to meditate to manifest . . .
  • Through heightened spiritual awareness . . .
  • Your soul’s choices in these profoundly shifting and enlightening times.

When, Where, How and What

When:   Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 10 am-3 pm

Where:  Carmen Clark Lodge at the Brighton Town Park
                777 Westfall Road
                Rochester, New York 14620

How:      $50 includes materials, drinks, snacks (bring your own bag lunch).  MC/Visa/Discover also accepted.     

What:    Carmen Clark Lodge is a beautiful fully-equipped, rustic retreat on a small pond with woods and walkways – wonderful outdoor space to also explore!              

For Questions and To Register

Email or  phone/fax 585-244-62120.

Hope to see you there!  With love and light, Marjorie


  1. Margie, I attended this wonderful conference. The space where it was held was warm and inviting. I thank you for your abundance of drinks and munchies. I felt such energy with the meditations and the space that you created for us to explore. You are a gifted teacher and one that I am happy to have been in my life for so many years.

  2. I was so happy you were able to come to this powerful retreat, Diane. Many thanks for your caring feedback. Keep going in your wonderful work! Love and light, Marjorie

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