Ten Empowerment Tricks to Profoundly Center Yourself and Transform Your Life


Spiritual Tricks for Empowerment Success

As spiritual beings of multidimensional consciousness experiencing ongoing healing and development to extend and support the greater whole through centering, I thought you’d appreciate these ten tricks of empowerment that emerged through some work I did last week through a spiritual retreat with clients.  Why should our egos be the only tricky part of us?

I invite you to enter into your own gentle deeper reflective space to restore your innate capacity to listen attentively to yourself, and follow the directions times 10 below.  Love to hear the results of your experiments!  Ready … begin … .

Ten Pivotal Steps to Greater Empowerment

1.   Check in with the quality of your breath ten times a day and allow it to regulate itself, and deepen.

2.   Stand up straight while continuing to be relaxed.

3.   Look at yourself fully in the mirror and say, “I forgive and understand you” in a clear, even voice.

4.   Admit being helpless in some way, and don’t look for any answers.

5.   Admit being hurt in some way, and don’t look for any answers.

6.   Admit being scared in some way, and don’t look for any answers.

7.   Admit being angry in some way, and don’t look for any answers.

8.   Admit you don’t know in some way, and don’t look for any answers.

9.   Write a detailed, simple description of your sense of integrity, and how it manifests in your daily life.

10.  Find within yourself a sense of open space where there is no attachment or focus – “be blank” – and stay in that space for at least one full minute with your eyes closed and your body resting comfortably.