Showing 14 Result(s)

Can You BE at Peace This Year?

It is so elusive – and how could it not be in our violent world – and yet it remains the great message of this holiday season – of every holiday season every December. Peace . . . peace . . . we are told to seek, in our hearts, in our world . . .The “present” of becoming more greatly present, aware, and empowered is all you can offer a world desperate to transform and transcend dysfunction.

Free Wellness Retreat for Women with Cancer to Celebrate National Survivors Day June 5, 2011

Cancer is such a complex, extended, life-threatening disease.  My not-for-profit organization established in 2008, Centering for Wellness, Inc.,, in its holistic vision to offer self-healing and empowerment classes to at-risk populations as an extension of my work in Centering Tools, is offering as a celebration of National Survivors Day on June 5 a free …

Sign up online for the Winter 2009 Workshops

Register for the Winter 2009 workshops online! Workshop #1: Shamanic Healing Practice – The ancient ways of the shaman, or medicine healer in all tribes on the earth plane, involved the art of inner journeying through sacred drumming to the upper and lower spirit worlds for soul retrieval, higher guidance, integrative healing and revealing sacred …

Completing the Circle – easy web registration!

Click the link below to register online for the Completing the Circle workshop. Here again is the information: Completing the Circle: How Knowing Other Lifetime Experience Clarifies Spiritual Purpose and Extends Healing and Development for Greater Inner and Outer Alignment and Universal Co-creation When:   Two-part class meets on two Tuesdays August 12 and 27 from …

Centering Books: Willing to be Led Toward Your Heart

Willing to be Led Toward Your Heart: Centering Poems for Self-Healing and Development Price: $15.97 + $1.50 first-class shipping This is How and Why I Offer Centering Tools I have loved and written poetry since I first entered college,  that being the first time I felt free and empowered enough within myself to dare to …

Client example: to describe an inner journey

In the spirit of this holiday season, I wanted to post this wonderful poemby another member of my monthly memoir writing group, completed in responseto my recommendation from the previous class to write a poem describing aninner journey to one’s heart.  Happy Equinox, spring (where is it?), Easter,Passover . . . and beyond . . …

Finding Your Spirit Guide

Finding Your Spirit Guide Physical: $13.97 .MP3: $9.97 You can, through this acclaimed guided meditation hypnosis audio, experience your spirit guide, who will offer you a whole new dimension of intuition, healing, development, and creation through divine love and power.                     Download Now!    Related Articles:  Meditate in …

Shamanism: Spiritual Journey of Empowerment

Shamanism: Spiritual Journey of Empowerment Physical: $13.97 .MP3: $9.97 You can experience the way of the shaman, or ancient healer who can travel from the physical to the spiritual realms to experience the path of spiritual power and transformation to heal, develop and create miracles, through this two-part guided meditation and hypnosis audio with special …

Breathing Through

Busy dreams Busy, busy – lots of exciting things for me, which professionally involves creating more audios and writings – always exciting and wonderful.  Also at this particular time of year, of course, lots of family get togethers, which are so meaningful and important to me.  All but one of my four children are out …