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Teleconference Call July 9, 2012 from 9-10pm(EST): The Three Fundamental Keys to Free Yourself and Become More Happily Present

When we are present we are free . . . to better choose, access more personal power, and be more aware. We can greatly and permanently succeed in detaching from dysfunction, entrapment and limitation. As my special Independence Day gift to you, I invite you to join me at the upcoming Centering Tools for Self-Healing and Development teleconference on Monday, July 9 from 9-10pm EST.

Can You Really Give Up Control?

We are here to support our greater good without excluding anyone, anything, and especially ourselves. This vision and mission always produces “win-win” solutions that can only reveal themselves through staying present courageously and with compassion as the ongoing “observer-active participant” throughout a whole unfolding journey of becoming.

How Can You Navigate Your Way Through Major Transformation?

Times are different, systems are crumbling and/or under siege, and grassroots initiatives continue along with more and more flamboyant power initiatives through currently dominant and entrenched forces. This seems to be the most common theme presented by clients this year, through many different circumstances and individual challenges: How can I successfully navigate through these times of major transformation?

Wrap Yourself at the End of the Year in A Center of Peace and Freedom

We are meant to discover what essentially pleases and fulfills us, and what our life’s passions are. We are meant to unconditionally love ourselves and a correspondingly loving world in which we can freely share and just as freely spread our wings and fly through our own processes of enlightenment and power.