Showing 30 Result(s)

Uncover and Heal Your Greatest Conflict

Over and over again in my work with clients, we uncover what is an overwhelmingly common core conflict. It always comes down to fundamentally not accepting yourself.

From this awareness we then link and understand that this is delusional and bullying behavior that sets the stage for further violating, blaming, victimizing, rationalizing, and addictive responses.

Can Self-Acceptance Be the Key to Becoming Whole?

How to Break the Bonds of Love

Here are the ten paradoxical truths, each with their “pair of opposites” that I want to share with you to break the bonds of love in order to more greatly love, speaking of paradoxes! I thank countless clients for discovering and sharing these, as they’ve benefitted so greatly in their transformational journeys, through our work in the 25 years of Centering Tools, about the real nature of love:

Can You Give Up Perfection???

Are You Up to the Supreme Sacrifice? Maybe it really is the supreme sacrifice.  Nothing really is, in analytical terms, perfect – nothing goes “perfectly”. Life isn’t perfect. Death isn’t perfect.  Nobody’s Perfect Love isn’t perfect.  Work isn’t perfect.  Health isn’t perfect.  We aren’t perfect. Can You Face – Even Live with the Truth? There …

Valentine’s Day Magic

How to Return to Love and Being Loved We are only capable of truly loving when we unconditionally love ourselves and all others as being part of the same divine union.  On this Valentine’s Day 2009, when the world is full of peaking global crises, can we dare return to an inviolate space to love …

Accept and Love Yourself

 Accept and Love Yourself Physical: $13.97 .MP3: $9.97 Experience this healing guided meditation hypnosis audio to create a soul miracle for you of recovery – your heart’s desire to unconditionally love and accept yourself just as you are. This restores your power to be fully present in the world, to share, respond and create your …