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Now: Merinda Empowerment and Recovery Audio and Guided Meditations for Children and Adults

I see the story as a key “handle” to self-healing, recovery, empowerment, and transformation. It is a simple metaphor that offers centering inner “links” to children and adults who feel they have lost their sense of self to be able to develop truly greater selves, and the wherewithal to successfully meet and transcend life’s challenges.

Bullying has finally become a key topic and recovery focus for our times. Merinda is fundamentally a story about understanding that bullying only continues to occur when we believe ourselves to be victims, which directly creates an inner “giveaway” of ourselves along with a covered-up “inner bully.” Like Merinda, we “please to survive.” Dysfunction creates and perpetuates unending power struggles in relationships endlessly ricocheting between dominance and submission. I am excited to tell Merinda’s story in all settings that commit to teambuilding, interdependence, new leadership skills, and healing partnerships.