Showing 180 Result(s)

Mandalas, Medicine Wheels and Meditation–An Empowerment Retreat to Create Your Own Sacred Circles for Healing, Protection and Power

***We exist in a great sacred circle, and in order to recover, empower and develop ourselves, we need to become our own light centers.  ***In this transformational workshop you will understand, experience and create your own sacred mandalas and medicine wheels as they have existed since ancient times.  ***These become your key tools to experience …

Connect With Your Higher Self

Our Key to Self-Recovery is the World’s Key to Survival So much is said in so many different contexts about our Higher Self.  In addictions’ recovery programs, being able to access your higher self is the fundamental path to healing and development.  Is this simply our key to self-recovery?  Throughout all spiritual practices back to …

Be Your Own Valentine

How Does the Meaning of February Holidays Bring Us to Our Own Self-Healing and Transformation? Valentine’s Day has rolled around again.  I find it most enlightening to note which months holidays fall, particularly in view of ancient history; and see how the timing and the combined meaning can offer us greater opportunities for self-healing and …

Meditate in Minutes

How is to Become a Being of Presence? Meditation has been called a mindfulness practice.  I was recently asked what that means, and how we can most easily adapt this ancient art of presence, as I call it, for greatest benefits to better be in the world today. I first found myself considering what I …

How to Stop Being a Victim

How to Become Empowered in the New Year Have you ever felt Like a victim?  What happens inside you when you feel this way? I do a lot of central work in my practice with uncovering feeling like a victim and being able to transcend that sensation to feeling empowered. Here is a guide to …