Showing 166 Result(s)

A Moment

The Surprise of Opening The world opened yesterday for, as Forrest Gump said, "no particular reason".  I was driving along in my glorious new car, which is the first car I’ve picked out just because I like it – not to haul kids around, not to carry babies, but because it made me smile and …

Healing Circles

Ending Cycles It is amazing what can happen in the course of a seemingly ordinary day – like today.  I slept in after unwillingly being up late, choosing to forget again that when I have a cappacino at 7pm, as I did to top off my daughter’s birthday dinner in an Italian restaurant we both …


Plugged and Unplugged I think, untampered, days are designed to open up like flowers.  They each offer a universe of multidimensional feasts to the senses, teeming with rich, multifaceted life on this flowing earth plane.  I have spent the past 9 days visiting my son and his partner, my daughter and son-in-law, and my 6 …

Compassionate Touch Therapy

The Key Word is Compassion This year I have put together a series of continuing education staff development programs for several Rochester area nursing homes and their staff caregivers, on an integrative approach I’ve synthesized for energetic healing called Compassionate Touch Therapy.  What is it, and how can it better help us support and center …

Freedom From Stress

We have known for nearly two generations that stress is a physiological response to change, that we perceive on multifaceted levels – by that I mean emotional, physical, psychological – as a threat to our survival.  In receiving this threat within our internal systems, we are called upon to respond in only two ways: to …

Info on herbal medicines

Herbal medicine is something that interests me but it isn’t an area of specialization. I’ve got some anecdotal experience with them.  For instance, my son took some Chinese herbs for  type 1 diabetes and his control became noticeably tighter.    Some of you may share an interest with me in herbal medicines, and I’ve only …