June 4 Workshop: Get to Sleep, Stay Asleep (Lori’s Natural Foods, Roch NY)


Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep!

Wednesday evening, June 4, 7-8:30 pm

Loris Natural Foods, 900 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623, 585-424-2323

How can you get to sleep and stay asleep?

If you’re in the greater Rochester, NY area and struggling with getting a good night’s sleep, experience my originally created self-hypnosis and energy healing exercises that have helped thousands of people identify and successfully let go of whatever gets in the way of getting to sleep and staying asleep. 

This is very much a hands-on class with how-to handouts you can take with you.

You will learn:

* simple but powerful techniques you can use each and every night to . . .

* break whatever patterns of “dis-ease” stop you from the “ease” and rest you need and deserve . . .

Especially in our fast-paced, crisis-ridden and increasingly stressed-out world.

Fee:  $12 includes self-hypnosis exercises and energy healing, as well as handouts (check payable to Marjorie Baker Price, all bank cards accepted other than American Express).

For questions and to register: Email me at marjorie@centeringtools.com or call 585-244-6210 or 585-750-1751; as well as through any cashier at Loris Natural Foods.


Hope to see you there!