Showing 520 Result(s)

How to Access Your Great Spirit to Give And Receive . . . Miracles

I work so much, both in my practice and my own life, especially with complicated and peaking challenges, in how to access and develop our power to connect and support our own Great Spirits as a unique expression of the All That Is. In honor of you and your amazing work to support all greater good and the key spirit of this holiday…I want to share ten points of reference as key practices to access your Great Spirit…

Thanking is Completion

I have facilitated ongoing women’s self-healing and spirituality groups since I started Centering Tools in 1987… I asked the group to consider, as we move towards…the full holiday season, this deeper meaning of gratitude beyond the increasingly popular practice and belief that “thanking” involves “focusing on the (judged) good”, but to instead meditate on how to thank everything without denying all that occurred as a key aspect of completion for healing and necessary development.

Women and Girls Empowerment Fable Book Launch, Roch, NY Dec 9

Please come and bring your friends and family to this unique community event and holiday food drive to launch the empowerment fable for women and girls by Marjorie Baker Price, MErind and the Magic Mirror: A tiny Tale of Transformation just published through Productivity Publications. The book includes Your Magic Mirror by Marjorie and Kay Whipple, the special journaling and guided meditation section which follows the book. The book is available online at and other online bookstores as well as to order at any bookstore across the country. Merinda and the Magic Mirror presents a little girl who is so caught up in “pleasing to survive” that she is unaware that she is cut off from being able to listen and be her own authentic self. It presents her journey of transformation, looking within to find herself, knowing she really can freely, creatively respond in empowered ways. It breaks repeated cycles of dependence and abuse, supporting self-healing and inner trust.

A Tragedy and a Message for Our Times

We remain such a barbaric society in great denial, filled with excuses, blame, resentment and entitlement that takes us as far away from our own great spirits as it endlessly perpetuates great abuse. No wonder we cannot make peace within and without! The political challenges of our times are the spiritual challenges of our times; and we cannot afford to continue to deny, excuse, justify and blame who we decide to objectify, neglect and violate. As it was said, “what we do to the least of them . . . ” we do to ourselves – and we all continue to lose…We can only recover through self-healing, which then leads to enlightened knowing about how to really care and be compassionate without condition. That in turn supports the greater good – said to be our spiritual mission – that we continue to seek to actualize throughout our lifetimes.

Sun am Nov 3 and 10 Roch NY Earth Mass

A service in celebration of Mother Earth. Integrating world music with songs from the wild, Missa Gaia celebrates the whole earth as a sacred space. This popular contemporary service features an expanded joint and community choir directed by Vera Forster, and a unique instrumental ensemble including soprano sax, percussion and a host of animal voices. Join us for this wonderful celebration of Creator and Creation including the wolf, the whale and loon!

Peace, Intimacy, Freedom

When peace, intimacy and freedom are missing or fractured, dysfunction, codependency, entanglement, addiction, hopelessness, blame, and violence result. These results extend their poisonous effects terribly, horribly into ours and others lives; and great suffering results and continues until recovery can occur. We functionally recover and transform into our higher selves whenever and however we heal and develop.

How Hope Hurts . . . and Heals

It is so elusive and changeable, hope – it hurts and heals – and yet it returns again and again in the most surprising and elegant ways to support, sustain and uplift us when we are critically challenged and at a crossroads of decision. Let me know in the comments below this entry how you access hope, what it does for you, and what you most hope for this year for . . . (see how you’re moved to compete this sentence from what feels like a core place of courage, honesty and the authentic part of you that dares to dream!) …