Showing 3 Result(s)

How to Go – And Stay – Higher

We are witnessing the opening of our basest, undeveloped, freaked out, regressed, dysfunctional selves in our country – and there’s hell to pay for us all. “Bad karma” would be the phrase for this, with suffering, expanding conflict, racism, expanding greed and economic disparity . . . can we allow ourselves to go backwards in a world that is primed to go forward and take us, whether we like it or not, along with it?

The core operative here on the earth plane is growth towards the expanding greater good – and there are no exceptions. Therefore, there are no “Others” that can’t or shouldn’t benefit from this in an endlessly, creatively unfolding present – we truly are All For One and One For All.

Thanking is Completion

I have facilitated ongoing women’s self-healing and spirituality groups since I started Centering Tools in 1987… I asked the group to consider, as we move towards…the full holiday season, this deeper meaning of gratitude beyond the increasingly popular practice and belief that “thanking” involves “focusing on the (judged) good”, but to instead meditate on how to thank everything without denying all that occurred as a key aspect of completion for healing and necessary development.

A Thanksgiving Revolution Through the Unleashed Divine Feminine Spirit

I invite you to go into your deeper meditative space and consider, through asking your own authentic spirit to show you all the inner presenting parts of yourself – how you can name, accept, receive, extend and honor them all as expressions of your own authentic sacred being – coming together in peace and transcendent acknowledgment of all that you really are, where you really came from, and how your really hope to be.